The IEEE Board of Directors shapes the future direction of IEEE and is committed to ensuring IEEE remains a strong and vibrant organization—serving the needs of its members and the engineering and technology community worldwide—while fulfilling the IEEE mission of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
This article features IEEE Board of Directors members Jill Gostin, Stephanie White, and Yu Yuan.
IEEE Senior Member Jill Gostin
Director and Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities
Jill Gostin, an IEEE senior member, is director and vice president of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities.Nathan Gostin
Gostin is a dedicated mathematician and community leader whose work centers around systems engineering, algorithm assessment, and software testing and evaluation, specifically related to sensor systems. She is a principal research scientist in applied research programs pertaining to sensors and electromagnetic applications.
Her current work focuses on open architecture sensor systems, which allow systems to reuse existing technologies, providing the flexibility to quickly refresh an existing component of the system or swap in new technologies. Gostin uses a model-based systems engineering approach to develop the open architecture and the associated standard. By providing a standard to define the interfaces between components of the system, modifications and innovations can be quickly and easily incorporated.
Gostin, an active IEEE volunteer, has served on the IEEE Future Directions Committee, on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, and as vice president of finance for the IEEE Sensors Council, among many other IEEE roles. She believes in leading by example and says it is important to help others in advancing their career paths. Through the IEEE Computer Society, she was a representative to IEEE’s Women in Engineering program, which works to increase the representation of women in engineering disciplines. Gostin has also served as a STEM mentor to middle and high school math and science classes; and as a panelist for discussions on women in technology.
She has authored or co-authored multiple technical papers and has received multiple technical and service awards. In 2016, she was named Georgia’s Women in Technology Woman of the Year for mid-size businesses, an award recognizing women technology executives for their accomplishments as leaders in business, as visionaries of technology, and who make a difference in their community.
IEEE Life Senior Member Stephanie White
Director, Division X
IEEE Life Senior Member Stephanie White is director of IEEE Division X.William Pallack
White is an educator, technical leader, corporate manager, and entrepreneur. She is a pioneer in software and system requirements engineering—making significant and lasting contributions in the behavior modeling, requirements semantics, and requirements analysis fields, resulting in less costly and safer cyber-physical systems.
As a principal engineer of requirements and architecture, White was responsible for detecting errors in requirements on eight multi-million-dollar aircraft and space programs, producing higher quality specifications with lower cost and risk. Recognizing the need for verifiable methods that practicing engineers can use, she created scalable and practical modeling and analytic techniques based on formal methods. Her methods were used to ensure the correctness of aircraft and space programs.
Addressing the need for research in engineering systems where computer systems have an essential role, she founded the IEEE Technical Committee on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems in 1990. This area of research is now known as cyber-physical systems engineering.
White, a lifelong IEEE volunteer, has held many positions, including president of the IEEE Systems Council and vice president of technical activities for the IEEE Computer Society (also serving on its board of governors from 2006 to 2008). She wants to use her current position within IEEE to improve the return on members’ investment, broaden IEEE’s membership base, and advance technology for humanity.
Currently a senior professor emeritus, White has taught systems science, systems engineering, and computer science. She still participates in dissertation committees. White received the 2013 IEEE-USA Divisional Professional Leadership Award for inspiring women to study and work in the STEM fields and for leadership in diversity initiatives.
IEEE Senior Member Yu Yuan
Director and President, IEEE Standards Association
An IEEE Senior Member, Yu Yuan is director and president of the IEEE Standards Association.Yu Yuan
Yuan is a scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur. His work in consumer technology, multimedia, virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and digital transformation has significantly impacted industry and society. His current work focuses on developing technologies, infrastructures, ecosystems, and resources needed for massively multiplayer ultra-realistic virtual experiences.
Yuan also works on building an international metaverse incubation and collaboration platform, providing access to knowledge and resources for metaverse development. His efforts have empowered a new generation of innovators and creators to push the boundaries of digital experiences—enabling a new era of immersive, interconnected, and intelligent technologies.
Yuan has been an IEEE volunteer for many years. His service in IEEE standards activities at different levels (working groups, standards committees, and higher-level governance) has been widely appreciated by standards developers, individual members, and entity members around the world. As the current president of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA), he plays a pivotal role in shaping global standards, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation in the technology sector. He believes that IEEE SA has the opportunity for significant growth and to become a stronger global influence. He is committed to encouraging, supporting, and protecting innovation in standards and the standards development process.
Yuan is also a member of the IEEE Consumer Technology Society and a member-at-large on the society’s board of governors. From 2015-2020, he led the IEEE Consumer Technology Society Standards Committee to grow the society’s standards activities from zero to a top-level among IEEE technical societies and councils. The committee received the 2019 IEEE SA Standards Committee Award for exceptional leadership in entity-based standards development and industry engagement in consumer technology. Reference: https://ift.tt/Jan1OB7
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