Marko Delimar has been a proponent of empowering the next generation of engineers, scientists, and technologists since he was an undergraduate engineering student at the University of Zagreb, in Croatia. The IEEE senior member now mentors undergraduate and graduate students at his alma mater, where he is a professor of electrical engineering and computing.
IEEE has played a key role in his quest to provide students with the support they need, he says.
Marko Delimar
University of Zagreb, in Croatia
Professor of electrical engineering and computing
Member grade:
Senior member
Alma mater:
University of Zagreb
Throughout his 30 years of volunteering, Delimar has worked to build a community for students. He founded the University of Zagreb’s IEEE student branch and later became its chair. He went on to become the branch’s counselor and a member of the IEEE Croatia Section’s student activities committee. He has held numerous IEEE leadership positions, and he served on the organization’s Board of Directors.
To engage more student members and help connect student branches worldwide, he helped found the IEEEXtreme programming competition, an annual, 24-hour virtual contest in which teams compete to solve computer coding problems.
He is continuing his mission as the 2025 president of the IEEE Foundation, focusing on how the organization’s charitable partner can help students and young professionals prosper. Thanks to donations, the Foundation is able to fund scholarships, research and travel grants, and fellowships in partnership with IEEE societies and sections.
“Supporting IEEE programs is something that I’m very proud of,” Delimar says. His goals as president, he says, are to increase awareness of the Foundation’s donor-supported programs and to persuade more people to support its causes.
Supporting the next generation of engineers
After learning about IEEE from several of his professors who were members, Delimar joined the organization in 1994 during his second year at the University of Zagreb. But without a student branch at the school, there was no local community for student members. That year he successfully petitioned IEEE to establish the first student branch in Croatia. He served as its chair until he graduated with his EE bachelor’s degree in 1996.
Through his involvement, he was simultaneously “learning about the organization and volunteering,” he says, adding that it helped him better understand IEEE.
After graduating, he joined his alma mater as a teaching assistant and researcher. He was later hired as a faculty member. He also conducted research in power engineering under his former professor, IEEE Senior Member Zdravko Hebel, who is known for his work on the Croatian power transmission network.
Delimar continued to volunteer, serving as chair of student activities for the IEEE Croatia Section until 2001. He also was the counselor for the student branch.
“For me, IEEE Foundation Day highlights how the IEEE Foundation is more than a charitable organization—it is the heart of IEEE’s philanthropic efforts, where generosity meets impact.”
Within four years of his guidance, “the branch was collaborating with other branches in not only Region 8 [Europe, Middle East, and Africa] but also around the world,” he says. He decided it was time to spread his wings, and he began volunteering for the region.
His first position was as the 2005–2006 vice chair of the IEEE Region 8 student activities committee, which is responsible for student programs and benefits. At the time, IEEE was having trouble retaining student members, he says.
“Students would graduate and not renew their membership,” he says. “There was also an issue with some of the student branches, as they were not communicating well or collaborating with each other.”
Delimar and IEEE Member Ricardo Varela, who was also on the committee, brainstormed how to better engage students and increase their participation. The two men wanted to create an event that would allow students across the world to participate at the same time.
“It sounded like a very crazy idea,” he says, “because it’s nighttime for one half of the world and daytime for the other half. You can’t even hold a meeting at the same time everywhere, let alone an activity.”
To overcome the time-zone issue, Delimar and Varela devised a 24-hour competition on programming, which was popular among engineering students at the time, Delimar says. Having the contest take place over 24 hours ensured all participants were on equal footing, he says.
Forty teams participated in the first IEEE Xtreme competition, which was held in October 2006. It has since grown in popularity. Last year nearly 8,800 teams from 75 countries participated.
Although he’s not involved in the contest anymore, Delimar says he’s proud of its success.
In 2007 he became vice chair of the IEEE Region 8 membership activities committee, which plans events for members. He was then elected as the 2010–2011 Region 8 director, and in 2013 he became IEEE secretary. Both are Board-level positions.
“Being a part of the IEEE Board of Directors gave me the opportunity to learn about and serve on several interesting committees that were trying to reach particular goals at the time, such as increasing member engagement, improving training for new IEEE officers, and refining IEEE’s ability to quickly adapt to the fast-changing environment,” Delimar says.
His time on the board inspired him to advocate for the formation of an ad hoc committee on European public policy activities. He served as its chair, and in 2018 it became a permanent committee. Renamed the IEEE European Public Policy Committee, it supports members of the European Union and European Free Trade Association in developing technology-related policies. Delimar was its chair until 2020.
“IEEE has been able to provide a united, unbiased voice of what is good for technology and what is good for Europe,” he says. “It has been very well received by the European Commission.”
In 2016 Pedro Ray, the 2010 IEEE president, asked Delimar to be a volunteer for the IEEE Foundation, and he joined the board the next year.
“It’s been a very rewarding experience,” he says.
Leading the IEEE Foundation
Delimar says that his main goal as president is to increase awareness among IEEE members of the Foundation and its programs.
“The Foundation supports more than 250 funds and programs, and I want to strengthen its connections and partnerships across IEEE,” he says.
To accomplish that goal, the Foundation has been raising its visibility. In 2023 it celebrated its 50th anniversary with a reception in New York City. Other celebratory activities were held that year at the IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit and Honors Ceremony and the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting.
Last year the Foundation established 16 February as IEEE Foundation Day. The annual celebration marks the day in 1973 when the philanthropic organization was launched. The inaugural event was designed to reflect the Foundation’s vision of being the heart of IEEE’s charitable giving. This year’s celebration focused on students and young professionals, highlighting beneficiaries of scholarships, grants, and fellowships and the impact they have had on the recipients.
“For me, IEEE Foundation Day highlights how the IEEE Foundation is more than a charitable organization—it is the heart of IEEE’s philanthropic efforts, where generosity meets impact,” Delimar says. “Our donor-supported programs—like scholarships, travel grants, awards, research grants, and competitions—are more than financial support for our students and young professionals; they are catalysts for making dreams come true.”
He says he wants to engage members who aren’t typically donors and thus expand the Foundation’s reach.
“I want to enable people with different professional journeys, economic backgrounds, cultures, and geography to be able to participate as donors for the IEEE Foundation,” he says. “Every donor—whether they are a student, young professional, or IEEE life member—is important.”
Visit the IEEE Foundation website to discover upcoming events, learn ways to make a gift, and see how the organization’s charitable efforts are making an impact.
Reference: https://ift.tt/mpJBZAM